Easy Weekend

Hung out with C+C+J last night; we went out for some remote Viet-Thai and did some modest drinking and Trivial...

Eating a baguette

R is out with her mom tonight, so I’m left here to scrounge for dinner. I stopped in at Sobey’s...

Grotto, then Blotto.

Went rock climbing at the Grotto in Guelph for the first time in about a year (possibly more). I figured...

Feeling Old

Got this sent to me in the mail the other day, with no description, and it took me a little...

Nice dinner last night

Had a good time last night. We hosted a dinner with some friends instead of what we usually do —...

Broken glasses

Just got back from picking up my glasses — they broke earlier this week. Just snapped in two when I...

Feeling better now

Got a chance to sit quietly for a few short minutes before dinner tonight. Just a little time to spend...

Day interrupted

Got to hang out at the gelato place on King St. Ate a veggie panini and had some coffee. Amazed...

Saturday Blizzard

Sitting at home, wondering whether I can make it out in this blizzard today. It’s not that its really bad...

1842 (or something)

Sitting in 1842 tonight, for lack of a better idea. Actually, I had several good ideas tonight, but didn’t really...