Testing Email Posts Again

Fumbling with a script. IGNORE ME!

Steve Jobs = Grand Moff Tarkin

Did anyone notice this? Should we be worried?

Testing Email Posts Again

Made some cron job changes. IGNORE ME!

Dear God No

No, no, no.

Death Rat!

Reading “Mike Nelson’s Death Rat.” Yup, that Mike Nelson.

Dinner at Failte

Drinking a beer. So what else is new?

Watching Star Trek

On my computer! How’s that for high-tech?

The Buddha Book

By Abraham Rodriguez. Plus a scone and a grande-sized coffee.

The last of the snow

Some pictures of our pathetic snowbank that was about 4m high during its peak. The warm weather we had this...

Hotel Kabuki

Made it to San Francisco safely. My brother came down and picked me up after all. His son had a...