Posts by D. H. McKee

Eight Most Fattening Foods of Fall

I was just going to skim over this article, but it has an entry for Turducken. If this isn’t an...

A $150 Camera vs. a $5,000 Camera

Interesting point. Once could buy three of the inexpensive cameras for the sales tax on the more expensive one. A...

Illustrated BMI Categories – a Flickr photoset

Granted, I think BMI is a bit overrated, but I think the labels in this Flickr photoset are appropriate for...

Infiltration Magazine

Online magazine of urban exploration. What’s even better is that these guys are based out of Toronto. They’ve got cool...

Urban Exploration: A Beginnerâ..s Guide

Very cool website with information on how to scope out those “interstitial places.” Web Urbanist – Urban Exploration: Beginnerâ..s Guide...

How to make “witch kitchen jars”

Here’s something to go with those Cthulhu in a bottle kits for Halloween. – Blog Archive – Witch Kitchen...

The Stremes

The Stremes are a Rock/Electronic band. A combination of vast, towering melody, a blues heart, psychedelia, beats and the future…the...

X-tians upset at Last Supper spoof

Apparently the Folson Street Fair in San Francisco came under fire for using a poster that parodied da Vinci’s “The...

Busy day yesterday

Yesterday was an interesting day, despite us only getting a few things accomplished. The first thing was a birthday present...

First Luxury SUV

Cool post from English Russia on what they’re calling the first SUV. Normally, when I think of luxury SUVs, I...