Posts by D. H. McKee

Superman Returns

Saw the new “Superman Returns” film on the weekend. People have been talking about how it rates as a film,...

Baconated Cereal

OK, just for the record, savoury breakfast cereals were my idea. Bacon Cereal

Has This Country Gone Completely Insane?

Apparently so… Mike Ferner: Has This Country Gone Completely Insane? This afternoon, drinking a cup of coffee while sitting in...

Cewl Advertising Slogan Generator

Unfortunately, it doesn’t photoshop images. That would be really cool. The Advertising Slogan Generator

Strange Dome House in Staffa

Sunday I had to drive down to my parents’ place in London. On the way back, I decided to do...

Cool Boddingtons Posters

I was in Toronto on Thursday — stuck there all day, waiting for access to a new co-lo on Front...

Supreme court rejects Bush terror powers

The supreme court yesterday rolled back the sweeping powers appropriated by the Bush administration in the war on terror, ruling...

The big empty read

Just finished reading “The Big Empty” by Norman and John Buffalo Mailer. It’s nothing big, just a really lengthy conversation...

Koko’s Candy Logs

Wouldn’t it be great if you build a house out of Lincoln Logs, and then eat the whole thing? Thanks...

Tories move to raise age of consent

This is probably a good idea, when you think about it. Yes, the current age of consent is 14. CBC...