Posts by D. H. McKee

Zuckervati Soapbox – with scrubbing bubbles

Those (if any) who read my journal will know without a doubt that I am a liberal. It’s fairly easy...

Feds seek Google records in porn probe

The government contends it needs the data to determine how often pornography shows up in online searches as part of...

X-tians don’t get Hollywood awards

Oh, this is precious: “If America isn’t watching these films, why are they winning the awards?” The Australian: No Christian...

Mass Spying Means Gross Errors

####### Begin Eschelon Block ####### unibomber anthrax plutonium militia delta force ruby ridge atf batf waco oklahoma city assault rifle...

Open source for governments

Looking back, the inflection point for global Linux adoption began in Europe about four years ago. In 2001, the German...

Cooking avec lava

Hawaii Hotels – Dolphin Bay Hotel, Hilo, Hawaii – Big Island Hotels Step 1: Preparation 1 Game Hen or Pork...

Ohio’s embarrassing state school board

The federal judge who overturned teaching “intelligent design” in public school biology classrooms in Dover, Pa., concluded that the local...

California School District Drops Creationism Course

Americans United for Separation of Church and State today announced that it has settled a lawsuit over a California school...

Wackiest Conspiracy Theories

But the Nazis *did* have a moon base!!! 2Spare – Top 10 Wackiest Conspiracy Theories The Nazis had a Moon...

Urban Legend: How to Detect a Two-Way Mirror

Actually true to some degree… I’ve done this myself. How to Detect a Two-Way Mirror – Netlore Archive When we...