Brother Main Gauche of Moderation says: Unitarian Jihad
The following is the first communique from a group calling itself Unitarian Jihad. It was sent to me at The...
The following is the first communique from a group calling itself Unitarian Jihad. It was sent to me at The...
Wolfgang Droege, a notorious neo-Nazi leader who was the public face of Canada’s modern racist-right during its most violent and...
I’m sitting in a Starbucks on Yonge St., drinking a doppio espresso, whatever that means. I was feeling a little...
Checked the blog log this morning. It’s something I do occasionally to keep an eye on comment spammers. Funny thing...
It’s cold this morning. Sunny, but cold. I’m noticing it more because I didn’t put on a coat before leaving...
The character of Ensign Chekov was added to the television series Star Trek because an editorial in the Communist newspaper...
I asked the bartender at Abstract to make me a Cuba Libra, and she said “Sorry, but I don’t have...
Can’t find a single copy of Win98 French or any other language, save English. Don’t know what those QA guys...
It’s a beautiful Sunday noon, and I’m sitting in the shade at 1842. I’m sharing the table with a grotesquely...
Blogs are like personal telephone calls crossed with newspapers. They’re the perfect tool for sharing your favorite chocolate mousse recipe...
Anyone want to hang out on another planet? #amwriting
— David H. McKee (@zuckervati) July 17, 2023
As a guy who occasionally curates art shows and wrangles artists together, I often have to edit and post artist bios, profile pictures, and artwork images. This can be a problem, since many artists and writers aren’t used to selling themselves. Artists rarely know how to present their art for display in a brochure, and writers aren’t used to writing about themselves.
Writers often treat the bio like it’s an interview or something. Maybe like they’re having a conversation with you, the reader. While it may work sometimes, the most common way to write a bio is to write in the 3rd person.
I’m like those writers, and I’m talking to you directly, unlike the common way to do a bio. You should see my About page. It makes sense to me, since this is a bit which describes my blog’s website. When I get famous enough that I don’t have time to talk to you, I’ll have an intern write everything in 3rd person. Until then, you get to talk to me.
Like blogs of old, this one is a personal document of the comings and goings of me. Articles I’ve written, links I’ve posted, videos I liked, etc. Here, a first-person perspective is the way to go, at least for now. So, this is my site. I’m D. H. McKee, a sometimes artist, sometimes writer. Mostly just a guy on the internet.