Posts by D. H. McKee

Moving some Servers around

Looks like I’m going to Toronto next week to move some servers. Got the call yesterday that we were being...

I’ll be back … in the pub

It's called "Governator" beer -- and Portland Brewing Co. CEO Jerome Chicvara says he was surprised that no California brewer thought of it first.
The brewing veteran says the 3,200 cases bearing the Pumping Iron label are a humorous tribute to the 38th governor of California, "Terminator" actor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Mommy Kills Animals

A PETA comic (of course).
Kids will see the bloody truth behind their moms. pretentious pelts. Accompanied by graphic photographs of skinned carcasses and animals languishing on fur farms, children will read: "Lots of wonderful foxes, raccoons, and other animals are kept by mean farmers who squish them into cages so small that they can hardly move. They never get to play or swim or have fun. All they can do is cry-just so your greedy mommy can have that fur coat to show off in when she walks the streets."

Cold again?

OK, so that’s pretty interesting, the way the weather turned on us. Nice and sunny and (somewhat) warm one day,...


Ah, nice spring-like day today. Maybe I’ll get off my butt and clean this place up. If it were warmer,...


Want to do something tonight. Want to go to the Starlight or the Rev or something…. R’s feeling sick, so...

Amon Tobin in T.O.

Thinking of going to see Amon Tobin next week. Playing at the KoolHaus in Toronto. Might be a really good...


Our research activities are focused on the design and control of a class of robotic systems worn or operated by humans to augment human mechanical strength, while the wearer's intellect remains the central control system for manipulating the robot. Human power extenders can be used to maneuver heavy loads with great dexterity, speed, and precision, in factories, shipyards, airports, construction sites, and warehouses.

Neat Ancient History site

Livius is a non-commercial website on ancient history. Since 1996, it has been maintained by Jona Lendering from Amsterdam, Holland. He read history at Leiden University (where he graduated in 1993), specialized in Mediterranean culture at the Amsterdam Free University (until 1996), and worked at excavations in Holland (a Roman villa) and Greece (hellenistic Halos). After teaching methodology and theory at the Free University, he worked for some time as an archivist for the Dutch government. He is currently teaching ancient and Dutch history at the Free University.

Interesting no-pics nude index

Strangely refreshing page with an alphabetical index of female actors, and the possible movie or TV nude appearances they had. (worksafe)