Posts by D. H. McKee

Getting ready for Shell Beach

Bought “Dark City” on DVD the other day. This was a pretty cewl film, sort of “The Matrix” meets “HellRaiser”...

Progressive Radio: Roger Ebert Talks About Michael Moore…

Q: Tell me what was your reaction to Michael Moore's acceptance speech at the Academy Awards.

Ebert: I heard him give the same speech the day before at the Independent Spirit Awards, where he stood up straight, and looked the audience in the eye, and took his time. It got a good response, although that audience was more receptive than the academy. But I have a feeling an acting coach could have analyzed his performance at the Academy Awards and said he was prompting the Academy to dislike his speech because he hunkered over the microphone, and he talked too fast and defiantly, as if he was trying to get it out before he was stopped. His body language and his verbal language all kind of sent the wrong message.

Time to do some non-work

Kind of a neat lull period at work this week. Easter holiday came up rather quickly, and in two weeks,...

The battle for American science

Welcome to the new battlegrounds of American science. No conspiracy, nor even one political agenda, links the incidents above. But US scientists say they are indicative of a new climate that has emerged under the Bush administration: one driven partly by close relationships with big business, but just as much by a fiercely moral approach to the business of science. The approach is not exclusively religious, nor exclusively rightwing, but is spreading worry as never before through the nation's laboratories and lecture halls.

Good Eatin’

Visited the gym for the first time in a couple of weeks (I took some time off on account of...


You can laugh at the silly superstitions of the religious, safe in the knowledge that we are only dust and lies. All that will be left of you after you die is a slow decay and some fading memories in the minds of your friends. Hope you're enjoying your life at the moment- there's nothing better to come.

How Bush kicked the [expletive] out of the Geneva Conventions

"The people who mistreat the prisoners will be treated as war criminals."
--George W. Bush
And so they should be. That video footage of U.S. soldiers being subjected to a humiliating public display and harsh interrogation -- possibly after beatings -- was disgusting. Iraqi soldiers should respect long-standing norms for treatment of prisoners of war, even though we know better than to expect the same from Saddam Hussein.
But nothing George Bush says on the subject of Geneva Conventions and international legal standards is likely to convince anyone. He has unleashed the greatest onslaught against international law of any U.S. president in living memory. He has torn up arms-control agreements and worked to sabotage the International Criminal Court. In his campaign against terrorism, he has not only flouted the venerable Geneva accords but sought to deny suspects the benefits of the law he is sworn to uphold.

Freedom Fries Radio

Welcome to Freedom Fries Radio on Radio Zuckervati. This station came into being after perusing the list of songs banned during the Gulf War, and 9/11.

Anyone got an old NES?

Everything you need to know for turning an old Nintendo system into a working PC.
"Well, of course before you can fit anything inside the system, you need to take out the old Nintendo. There's a series of about 1,000,000 screws, all phillips, holding the top of the case on, and holding the guts inside the NES. Be sure to save about 6 or 7 of these screws, because you'll need them later on. If your Nintendo worked before dismantling it, save the guts and build a new case for it."

Use a Firewall, Go to Jail

The states of Massachusetts and Texas are preparing to consider bills that apparently are intended to extend the national Digital Millennium Copyright Act. (TX bill; MA bill) The bills are obviously related to each other somehow, since they are textually similar.
Here is one example of the far-reaching harmful effects of these bills. Both bills would flatly ban the possession, sale, or use of technologies that "conceal from a communication service provider ... the existence or place of origin or destination of any communication". Your ISP is a communication service provider, so anything that concealed the origin or destination of any communication from your ISP would be illegal -- with no exceptions.