12 Most Preposterously Awful Things

… about M. Night Shyamalanâ..s The Happening and Lady in the Water. Here are two gems: Shymalan has written a...

“The Happening” – ID movie of the year

After guessing the ending in The Sixth Sense 20 minutes into the film, I’ve been unimpressed with these ridiculous X-tian...

Why didn’t they just let LucasArts people do the films?

The Star Wars: The Force Unleashed game looks really, really cool. And I’m not just talking about the special effects....

Hero, Leader, God

I wonder which one’s the god? A series of cool, if slightly weird, bronze sculptures by Alexander Kosolapov. SOTSART Project...

Excellent Sesame Street Art Parodies

Some very excellent Sesame Street paintings. Here’s two — two wonderful samples, ah, ah, ah. Great Art Parodies 1

The Canadian DMCA: A Betrayal

Michael Geist tells us why we should be mad at Industry Minister Jim Prentice right now. Michael Geist – The...

Hula Hoop Man

Wow. This guy is awesome. And he looks like such a loser. Yes, I’m aware of the irony of that...

Cyanide & Happiness Comic

About half of these are funny. The other half make no sense. There are also some “interactive stories” on the...

Don Knotts v. “Buffalo Bill” Hawkins

Am I the only one who thinks that weird psycho cult leader Yisrayl “Buffalo Bill” Hawkins sounds exactly like loveable...

A bad tattoo idea

I have to admit it — this is why I haven’t gotten a tattoo with any kind of Asian characters...