Futurama fonts!

Awesome. Now I can write my own secret messages to the kid at the next desk.

SS Minnow from ‘Gilligan’s Island’ restored on Vancouver Island

If you’re interested in a three-hour tour, George Schultz of Parksville has just the boat for you. For $99,000 Canadian,...

Harris Clarifies Comments on Religion

U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris told a religious journal that separation of church and state is”a lie”and God and the nation’s...

Pluto is Demoted

Capping years of intense debate, astronomers resolved today to demote Pluto in a wholesale redefinition of planethood that is being...

Killarney Camping 2006

Just got back from spending a week on an island in Harry Lake, up in Killarney. There were 2 largish...

Judge orders stop to warrantless phone wiretapping

A federal judge ordered a halt today to the Bush administration’s warrantless wiretapping of calls between Americans and alleged foreign...

An Island to Oneself: Six Years on a Desert Island

This is very cool. A story about a guy spending 6 years on a deserted island. Apparently there’s a tourism...

How To Keep Your Search History Private

EFF: DeepLinks How can you help prevent damaging privacy invasions like AOL’s data leak? Along with spreading the word about...

August 22 – End of the World?

Well, that’s it. I’m heading for the woods. OpinionJournal – Extra During the Cold War, both sides possessed weapons of...

Jesus Saves with a D20

Found this on www.evolvefish.com. I would totally buy it if I didn’t think people would confuse me with an X-tian....