The Green KitKat Inquest

Around 7:30pm Tuesday night, a strange package arrived at the hole-in-the-wall I call home. I had just gotten back from...

‘Juan Valdez’ is hanging up his poncho

Juan Valdez is retiring. Long live Juan Valdez! Colombia’s coffee ambassador to the world, Carlos Sanchez, is finally quitting after...

Baconated Chocolate

On a sunny day some friends and I had ordered some bacon cheese burgers for lunch. After a couple of...

‘Wash Post’ Obtains Shocking Memo

The Washington Post has obtained a cable, marked “sensitive,” that it says shows that just before President Bush left on...

Jesus Pan

Christ on a pan. Hey, that’s a pretty good cuss. Jesus Pan – The Orginal JesusPan Seen and Heard Everywhere...

When God is gone, everything is holy

Once we reject the absolute truth of one thing, whatever it might be — God, a holy book, a law...

New York, Zurich, Toronto full of nice people

Torontonians have been mislabelled as the cold-hearted Canucks, and New Yorkers may have to trade their big-headed image for one...

Tips for Your First Cookoff

You’re a good barbeque cook. You care about your craft. You’ve studied and practiced and learned. Your family and friends...

Benny Hinn is evidence that there is no God

Heh. I’m not even going to give Hinn the benefit of being under my “religion” category. Benny Hinn Ministries Benny...

More on the 30-some-odd commandments

Continuing the whole unsurprising and fundamental misunderstanding of scripture, I found an interesting link to They offer a reprintable,...