500 lb Potato Battery

I built a potato battery out of 500 pounds of potatoes. It powered a small sound system. With the help...

Virtual Hallucination Machine

The device is called a virtual hallucination machine. It was introduced to police by Teresa Bomhoff, president of the National...

Network Sniffing Screensaver

It’s a screensaver. No, it’s a packet sniffer. No wait … PacketFountain: Network Sniffing Screensaver

Shaken and stirring: A grittier, less suave 007

“Casino Royale” could be the first art-house-style 007 movie. For one thing, the man chasing a terrorist through the tropical...

Archbishop: stop teaching creationism

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has stepped into the controversy between religious fundamentalists and scientists by saying that he...

Pat Robertson calls Muslims “satanic”

On his live television programme, The 700 Club, he said radical Islamists were inspired by “demonic power”. A US religious...

Drug Ring Sold Pot-Laced Candy, Soda

A California drug operation manufactured marijuana-laced candy and soft drinks that were packaged to resemble popular products like Jolly Ranchers,...

Slipstream (1989) – Weird Marketing

I wanted to add an image of this film to the review, but I was lazy and didn’t want to...

Film Review: SlipStream (1989)

Apparently there are no less than 5 different “Slipstream” films listed in IMDB, one of which (1967) was written and...

Big-Ass Burger

A vegetarian’s nightmare. the Giant Burger The assembled burger weighed 29.75 pounds, with a pound of bacon, two pounds of...