Stylistics have arrived

The Stylistics (that’s Fujitsu Stylistic 1000s) have arrived! Well, it’s not all that exciting, especially since they didn’t ship with...

The Sriracha Inquest

Well, don’t ask me how this happened, but I ended up eating pumpkin pie with Sriracha on it. I think...

Test of MTGoogleMaps with Canadian Addresses

This test is the same as the previous one, but with a Canadian address. I’ve picked the Huether Hotel, in...

Still Another MTGoogleMaps Test

This time I’m using v2.0. I’ve setup the main page template to put a static Google Map into the page...

CARFAC books are here

I ordered a bunch of books from CARFAC the other day, and they came in rather quickly. I’m currently engrossed...


A brass egg given to former Beatle, John Lennon “by aliens” has gone on show in London. The ornament, which...

British Voodoo Vets

The mythical Voodoo curse is based on the principle of sympathetic magic: the metaphysical belief that like affects like. It...

A Little Sleuthing Unmasks Writer of Wikipedia Prank

It started as a joke and ended up as a shot heard round the Internet, with the joker losing his...

The Seven Levels of Artists

Heh. I think I’m level one on this list: Unknown Artist: Bottom Level 1 This is also a fun place...

Murdering X-mas

Thought this was an appropriate title for a blog entry, what with all the right-wing hyperbole about how liberals are...