Wawadigital.com is a complete and utter scam

Wawadigital.com (and its pseudonyms, Stop4Camera.com, Starlight Cameras, Stargate Photo, and probably half a dozen others) is a complete and utter...

Founder of veganism dies

DONALD WATSON survived to the age of 95; good propaganda in his campaign to convince the world that there is...

An Open Letter to Aussie Hip-Hop Band, Hilltop Hoods

From intermaweb.net: Iâ..m a big fan of lots of aussie hip-hop, and was genuinely excited about the release of the...

What Is It? “Braxton Beast” Photo Mystery

Apparently amotion-activated low-res camera captured a picture of something, and all the crypto-zoologist wannabes are trying to make it into...

The new way to burn fat – set yourself on fire

Women who want to lose weight are being offered a startling new way to burn fat – by being set...

‘Narnia represents everything that is most hateful about religion’

Tolkien hated Narnia: the two dons may have shared the same love of unquestioning feudal power, with worlds of obedient...

How-To: Build a WiFi biquad dish antenna

Wireless enthusiasts have been repurposing old satellite dishes for a while now, and with good reason… the dish helps focus...

Catholic man forced into Pentecostal drug program

In a lawsuit filed on his behalf by the civil rights group, a 23-year-old Catholic man from Genesee County is...

Another MTGoogleMaps test

Thought I’d try some more GoogleMaps tests, in anticipation of the new release of MTGoogleMaps 2 (with support for us...

Enter the Fujitsu Stylistic 1000s

In a bout of thoughtless haste, my co-worker and I ordered some Fujitsu Stylistic 1000s off eBay. I mentioned that...