Huzzah – Saturday!

Starlight was a blast. Got some good dancing in, despite not drinking very much (just a RedBull and a Moosehead)....

Searching “Deep Web Content”

The so-called “deep web” – millions of access-restricted Web sites containing content that search engines typically cannot access – is...

Satellite radio rules offend both sides

There will be at least one appeal against the national broadcast regulator’s decision on subscription radio — which also left...


Sitting in a comfy chair at clane’s place, up in Erbsville. My belly’s full of veggie burgers and pie. Probably...

Televangelist breached guidelines: ruling

When televangelist Jimmy Swaggart said he would kill a homosexual who looked at him romantically, he violated the Canadian Association...

Dungeons and Dragons artist dies

Weird — it’s like a blast from the past: David Sutherland, an artist whose work appeared in various Dungeons and...

Turn On, Tune In, Veg Out

Neat Op-Ed by Neal Stephenson: In the spring of 1977, some friends and I made a 40-mile pilgrimage to the...

Fetish Flowchart

Really interesting map of the human fetish world. Pretty complicated. fetish_flowchart.jpg

House Votes to Limit Patriot Act

In a slap at President Bush, lawmakers voted Wednesday to block the Justice Department and the FBI from using the...

Noam Chomsky: What Uncle Sam Really Wants

Neat essay on the politics and US foreign policy by Noam Chomsky. Noam Chomsky is a major figure in twentieth-century...