Moblog results

Not bad, not bad. Didn’t post right away, but I just need to tweak my crontab syntax a little —...

Moblog test

Blogging from Jane Bond tonight. C+J are here with me, and R’s showing up as well, though she probably won’t...

Cool way to post deferred entries

I think I may have found what I’m looking for. I’m trying to find ways to post a deferred post,...

Scientists zero in on little bug that was the ancestor of all living things

Thanks to the tools of modern genetics, scientists are working to identify a little bug that they believe was the...


So, I’ve determined there are some problems with using the Blackberry to blog. No, I’m not currently blogging from it....

Group Creates Pro-Evolution Site

Seeking to quell a growing movement to teach creationism in U.S. schools, the National Academies has unveiled a new section...

Porn Peddlers Won’t Bare It All

Aly Drummond remembers the early days of online porn, when webmasters spent their time partying and watching the money roll...

Mr. and Mrs. Power Outage

Had to hand the AirCard back to work, so I’m not able to blog from away very well. I’m sitting...

Canadian Forces’ first gay wedding

The military has marked its first same-sex wedding, more than a decade after gays were allowed to join the Armed...

Another psychic fails to win the JREF prize

Angela contacted the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) in an attempt to win their $1,000,000 prize. To become a claimant...