Tory MPP ‘flips the bird’

A Progressive Conservative MPP gave opposition politicians "the finger" yesterday as debate over the government's controversial budget hit a new low.
Amid allegations of obscenities and heated heckling from the Tory benches during the raucous debate, John O'Toole (Durham) "flipped the bird" at the opposition benches.
He made the coarse gesture after NDP House leader Peter Kormos rose on a point of order during O'Toole's allotted time.


Bullet Time was just the beginning. F/x guru John Gaeta reinvents cinematography with The Matrix Reloaded.
You'll be seeing a lot of Agent Smith this year. Neo's man-in-black nemesis returns on May 15 in The Matrix Reloaded, the continuing story of a young hacker who learns that the apparently real world is an elaborate computer simulation. In November, a second sequel, Matrix Revolutions, will take up where Reloaded's nail-biting climax leaves off.

Science: Be Very Afraid

It was the MMR story that finally made me crack. My friends had always seemed perfectly rational: now, suddenly, they were swallowing media hysteria, hook, line and sinker. All sensible scientific evidence was twisted to promote fear and panic. I tried to reason with them, but they turned upon me: I was another scientist trying to kill their baby.
Many of these people were hardline extremists, humanities graduates, who treated my reasoned arguments about evidence as if I was some religious zealot, a purveyor of scientism, a fool to be pitied. The time had clearly come to mount a massive counter-attack.
Science, you see, is the optimum belief system: because we have the error bar, the greatest invention of mankind, a pictorial representation of the glorious undogmatic uncertainty in our results, which science is happy to confront and work with. Show me a politician's speech, or a religious text, or a news article, with an error bar next to it?

Good Reading

Finished the following books in Cuba. Jack Kerouac – Desolation Angels Virgilio Piñera – René’s Flesh Nothing to do but...

Cuba #5

Pretty much finished Kerouac’s Desolation Angels this afternoon. I’m in the lobby bar, drinking and reading. It’s been pretty nice...

Cuba #4

Lobby Bar – we’ve just returned from almost getting killed in a boating accident on the Jungle Tour. There are...

Cuba #3

Phil and I are sitting in the lobby bar, waiting for the bus to take us on the “Jungle Tour”...

Cuba #2

The food in Cuba is uninspired. This is the second resort I’ve been to and the food hasn’t improved, despite...

Cuba #1

I’m sitting in the lobby bar at Mélia Cayo Coco with Phil, drinking cervézas and smoking cigarillos. This is the...

Books I’m taking on Vacation

Going to do some reading while down in parts sunny. Picked up a couple of titles from Gabriella at Moody...