Everything is working properly

Everything is working properly on this end. Let’s hope it stays that way for a little while. DNS, ShoutCast, website,...

Relationship breakdown

Internet connection is being flakey again. I’m not very satisfied with my current provider, though I’m not sure where the...

Leader and the B. A. Barakus Band

Amazing how hectic life can get, eh? Seems like there are never enough hours in the day for sleeping and...

Oh brother where art thine Earthships?

Got a chance to see “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” tonight. A good film, even compared to other Coen Bros....


Spoke with the elusive UberBoy tonight: Hacker, Leader worshipper, Trance maniac, and a regular Don Juan with the ladies, if...

There are 10 types of people in the world …

We’ve reached a binary day, 011001. As such, it’s customary for us to all take a good stiff drink. HUZZAH!...

Website stuff added

Added some neat stuff to the site tonight. I’ve been working on another site all day, so these changes are...

Internet went down again

Internet went down again (hah, the Internet went down, as if). My internet connection had to be restarted… I wonder...

I’m kinda talking to myself

Internet connection is being flakey today (like puff pastry). I’m working on getting SETI@Home downloaded, and at the same time,...

Goofing on website

Well this seems to be going rather well. Just getting this page put together. Did some tweaking on a few...