Anil’s Ghost

Finished off Anil’s Ghost by Michael Ondaatje. Good book. I’ve always been fascinated with Forensics, and Forensic Anthropology played a...

NetWare 6

Went to a Novell seminar today, and learned all about NetWare 6 and Groupwise 6. What amazing products: Administrate your...

Behold the Beard – Ribbed Tofu

Tried out a new colour for my beard. What do you think? Always wondered what it was like to be...

Grilled Italian Sandwiches

Made some good grilled food tonight. Here’s the recipe in case you want to try it: Grilled Italian Sandwiches: 1...

BBQ and futon pics

Some of you have requested pictures of my new barbecue and futon, for whatever reason. I’ll try to get a...

Cheap plastic chairs

Really warm today, and very windy. I was worried that all my cheap, plastic chairs were going to blow right...

Dort and Joe and Nellie and Junior

Beautiful day today — perfect for driving. Got a chance to see the countryside on my way to my parents’...

You can’t have enough weirdness in your life

A friend told me that you can’t have enough weirdness in your life. I think this is his link, but...

White Rose Easter Barbecues

Easter Sunday. No stores open today, except restaurants and the White Rose, for some reason… Well, I can’t be too...

I have an online vision

I have a vision of an online community … a place where people can meet virtually, in a 3D environment,...