Awesome Spirit Trailer

For your consideration… good use of review quotes, BTW. YouTube – The Spirit: For Your Razzies 2009 Consideration

Thundercats Trailer (no, not really)

This small fan-made trailer is better than any movie version of the lame but often-referenced cartoon could be. For those...

1976 inteview with Brando

From the Time Magazine archives. The Private World of Marlon Brando – TIME “My first impulse,” Brando later admitted, “was...

Venture Bros. Season 3 Packaging

The new packaging for Venture Bros. Season 3 is at least 3 kinds of awesome. For those of you who...

Darths and Droids

An online comic that asks “What if ‘Star Wars, Epidsode 1’ was a role playing game, and the main characters...

Brokeback Mashups

Some awesome mashups of Brokeback Mountain and other manly movies. This one is my favourite, mostly because I think it...

Repo Man sequel??

But why? How? / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / Here’s Hoping Alex Cox’s Repo Man Sequel...

Cinematic Titanic: Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

From the guys who brought you MST3K. All new fun with terrrible movies. Kind of makes you want to believe...

‘They Live’ to be remade

Ah crap. And I’m all out of bubblegum. What a dumb idea this is. ‘They Live’ to be reincarnated John...

Ghostbusters video game trailer

This looks incredibly awesome. I would consider downloading this on BitTorrent if it were made into a movie. That’s how...