No golfing

Didn’t get a chance for any golf lessons yesterday, but we did end up getting a free bucket of range...

Golf anyone?

Nice day today. Going to do a little golfing this evening (think we’re on the “putting” phase of our lessons)....

New tire

Got a new tire for my bike on the weekend. I was going to rebuild it from scratch, but that...

Burning on the Grand

Went canoeing on the Grand River today. I’d have taken a picture, but I’ve learned my lesson about taking digital...

Broken Bike

Took a spill just before getting to work today. I was cycling through a construction zone (let that be a...

Picture this…

OK, I was going to post a new picture here today, but my camera is still in my briefcase, and...

Good kite-flying weather

Hot and sunny today, but really windy, and it looks like another storm is on its way in. Good kite-flying...

I have a new house

Closed the new house yesterday. After a bit of a last minute rush with the banks, we were able to...


New house closes in a week and a half. Can’t wait for it to be over. So many things to...

Parental damper

Wanted to go cycling today, but had to stick around and wait for my parents to come over. They just...