OK to call Scientology a “cult”

In England, that is. BBC NEWS | England | London | No charges over Scientology demo The teenager held up...

Seven Reasons to Become a Polygamistâ..s Wife

Poking fun at the raid in Texas on the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Seven Reasons...

Florida “I believe” license plate fails

Awww, too bad. Of the 117 other plates you can get, there are “Family Values” and “Choose Life” options. I...

Anti-Defamation League rules on Expelled

The ADL has issued a statement on Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. Just so we remember who these guys are: “For...

Atheist soldier sues army, received threats

Pretty bad situation here. It’s even worse that 96% of the 5500 complaints received by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation,...

Expelled film sued over use of song

It seems like they did *everything* wrong when making this film. Yoko sues filmmakers over Imagine | Entertainment | Reuters...

Christine Comer fired for her views on creationism

Christine Comer was the Director of Science for the Texas Education Agency for nine years, until she was forced to...

Ben Stein: Win His Career

Whoa, how bad can it be when FOX is making fun of you? FOXNews.com – Mariah Carey’s New Album: First...

Top 10 Creationist Discoveries

Aha. See, this is an April Fool’s joke. Below are some of my favourites: Top 10 Creationist Discoveries of All...

Businesses, Customers Upset Over Billboard

Apparently, this billboard went up over Easter weekend. All the religious people stayed away from businesses and restaurants nearby. Now...