Has the CERN research centre doomed us yet?

Found this on Cynical-C’s blog. It’s a good way to keep an eye on that Large Hadron Collider business. http://hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com/

See-Through Skyscraper

Hey, is this really a good idea? Make a skyscraper that’s invisible to low-flying planes? And then putting it at...

CERN research centre to test Big Bang

CERN scientists will be smashing particles this week to see if they can reproduce the circumstances of the Big Bang:...

Tesla would be proud

Finally, they’re able to send electricity through the air. I’m not sold on the name yet: WiTricity Goodbye wiresâ.¦ –...

Beating the uncanny valley

At least with computer animation. Now we just have to watch out for videos impersonating real people. Video: Lifelike animation...

Get some extra legs

I’d like to think it’s a big gag, but it seems to be coming from inventorspot.com, so maybe it’s just...

New Type of Synesthesia Discovered

Pretty interesting stuff. If you don’t know, Synesthesia is a mixing of the senses. People with Synesthesia can perceive words...

Good-looking bad-sounding speakers

I can’t backup the “bad-sounding” part, but with speakers that look this good, they have to sound terrible. 17 Cool...

Shock bracelets for airline passengers

Hey, this is a grand idea. Let’s force everyone on a plane to wear shock bracelets. A senior government official...

Gadgets that go inside you

People in the other cubicles can hear me laughing. Top X: Gadgets that go inside you – Boing Boing Gadgets...