Posts by D. H. McKee

“I met the Walrus” trailer

Nominated for an Academy Award. Some kid from Toronto gets an audio tape interview with John Lennon. YouTube – I...

Steve Jobs snubs blogger

Well, what did you expect? He was standing in the middle of the exhibition floor, by himself, doing nothing more...

Producers of “Expelled” bribing X-tian schools

If they were really open-minded, they’d offer this to public schools and universities as well. Producers of Expelled trying to...

Facebook asked to pull Scrabulous

Though I never got into it, many friends play Scrabulous constantly. They’ll be pissed. BBC NEWS | Technology | Facebook...

Steampunk Justice League

Very very cool. There’s also a revisioned Star Wars collection. SILLOF’s WORKSHOP: Gaslight Justice League Custom Figures Inspired by the...

Top 10 Songs Protesting Bush & the War in Iraq

Neat list. I should see if I can get some samples of these tunes. Protest Songs – Best Protest Songs...

Natives demand mafia-esque royalties for land

Weird when this kind of stuff happens to you. I live and work within this 10km strip of disputed land....

Dinesh D’Souza Wins 2007 Bad Faith Award

U-S-A! U-S-A! Seriously. He apparently came out of nowhere to beat both the Pope and Chuck Norris!! New Humanist Blog:...

BJ Davis “press release” against reviewer

Someone left the exact same “press release” in a comment on my post about this issue. Looks like either G.R....

Guy gets “sued” over bad review

Or rather, gets threatened by the director and writer and is issued a DMCA takedown notice. It may be a...