Posts by D. H. McKee

Levengood’s Crop-Circle Plant Research

I like how he distinguishes “genuine” crop circles from hoaxes. Crop-Circle Plant Research by Levengood; Investigative Files (Skeptical Briefs June...

Homeland Security to get highly personal data from UK

Oh, for crying out loud. Alarm at US right to highly personal data | UK News | The Observer The...

3D Mailbox: Bring Your Email to Life

Hmm. Have to go with Dee on this one. Worst software ever. Blogozine: 3D Mailbox: Bring Your Email to Life...

Illinois team counts on calories to draw attention

Ow, my heart! ESPN – We’re lovin’ it: Minor league team’s doughnut burger – MLB We kid you not. The...

Mass Effect at E3

Good looking demo. Gameplay looks like cut scenes, but in real time. GameSpot Video: Mass Effect Stage Demo 1

Weekly World News closing down

Awww. I loved this newspaper. More on Weekly World News closing (SFScope) Bob Greenberger, an editor with Weekly World News,...

X-mas lights in a microwave

I think I’m going to try this at home. Easy Mac Micro Maniac

Canon Rock

I heard this on CBC several months ago, but this was the first time I’ve seen it on YouTube. You...

drmike’s trip to London

A sort of variant on the vacation journal. This one is “How I spent my summer vaction in London because...

How Top Bloggers Earn Money

Still not sure how “cat pictures with captions” constitutes a “top blog”, but hey, you don’t se me making any...