Posts by D. H. McKee

Maniacs Make a Modern Mansion

A swimming pool cools a nuclear reactor in the basement. Dismembered tentacles mope in the attic listening to punk music....

I Want My Internet TV

Next month, Adultinternet.TV officially launches with a lineup that includes reality shows, news, sitcoms and cartoons — all with an...

Tiny aircraft that just eat and go

Aircraft the size of bees that get the energy they need by feeding themselves a diet of dead flies could...

You’ve got spam! US tops the list

The United States is still the country where the most number of spams originate, almost 42 per cent, says a...

The Call of Cthulhu

The HPLHS is currently in production of a short film adaptation of Lovecraft’s most famous story, “The Call of Cthulhu.”...

Boxing Day Preposterousness

Took advantage of the Boxing Day madness and went shopping. Actually, it was more like taking a longdrive through the...

Men and Multiple Orgasm

Why do women get to have multiple orgasms and men only get one shot with the Sputnik and it’s all...

Exploits released for new Windows flaws

A Chinese security group has released sample code to exploit two new unpatched flaws in Microsoft Windows. The advisory comes...

All I want for X-mas is to not be paged.

Got paged this morning. Wasn’t expecting a call from the president, but one of our local customers had a server...

Last minute mayhem

Worked a short day today, what with it being X-mas eve. Came in a little early to deal with a...