8 Kilometres: The gritty music documentary

… of Justin Bieber. Can a cute young white Christian boy make it in America? #

Great stop-motion Batman video

Going to see the new Batman film tonight. Hope it’s as good as this. Batman Theme – Pomplamoose – YouTube

The Burden of Proof

Tired of losing debates? Maybe you’re trying too hard. Another fascinating logic video from QualiaSoup. The burden of proof –...


Found this at Chapters on King+Weber. Looks like they’re prepping for the zombie apocalypse. Now you can, too.

The DIY Big Mac

Done by McDonalds’ own chef. Is it just me, or does this look kind of delicious? https://youtu.be/rcu4Bj3xEyI “What is in...

What about the Higgs Boson?

Here’s a graphic which pretty much sums it up. All clear? No? Then try this out: Basically, it’s like this:...

The History of the Fallout Series

Quick, go watch this: OK, now watch part 2: Now, see what’s coming later this year: Yup, if this is...

Coffee and Breakfast

It’s Friday, and that means breakfast at 1842. Going to read a book, maybe play a little Freecell on the...

Nobody puts baby in a corner

It was pretty hot today. Apparently, the cat found the spot with the perfect temperature, between the basement and the...

Happy Birthday Mom

We miss you.