Is Science a Religion?

It is fashionable to wax apocalyptic about the threat to humanity posed by the AIDS virus, “mad cow” disease, and...

Big mother is watching kids’ lunches

Remember the days when cafeteria lunches always had at least one or two treasures in otherwise less-than-appetizing offerings? Thanks (or...

Congratulations, it’s a beef stick

Me, I’d hand out cigars, or at the very least, those PopEye’s candy sticks. Junk Food Blog: Boy Girl Beef...

Edible Memo Pads

I wonder if they can stick to things, like Post-It notes. Junk Food Blog: Edible Memo Pads Distributed to the...

Scary German SQL

Got the following error message when trying to view a German candy website: Fehler beim Senden der Abfrage...sql(SELECT cont_id,sub_menu1 FROM...

The fall of a Hollywood hatemonger

I was just in the middle of writing a long and tedious essay, about how to tell a real anti-Semite...

Oscar Peterson subjected to racism at home

Unless the idiots were insulting his piano skills, or his jazz music, it’s probably safe to assume they were racist...

The Mysterious Toynbee Tiles

In 1992, a chap in Philadelphia by the name of Bill O’Neill starting noticing strange tiles randomly embedded in local...

New cups and buttery fiction.

Was drinking espresso at 1842 this morning. They’ve got some new cups to replace all the chipped, cracked ones they...

Female impersonation tarts up online games

When men appear as buxom, scantily clad females in video games like “World of Warcraft,” it is more about winning...