Virtually a Racial Issue

OK, I feel for anyone who is abused by racism in any form. But I’m more than a little doubtful...

More chaos

Well, the little dog is taking some getting used to. First is the constant peeing in the house, and not...

James Bond Loses Teeth, is Defended By Dracula

Just as Casino Royale looked as if it was finally ready to move ahead without any of the cock-ups that...

Chaos in the Zuckervati household

Day one of the chaos started today, as R accepted a temporary assignment as a puppy-sitter. Yes, for the next...

Harper plan for judges draws fire

Canada is edging towards a U.S.-style justice system by subjecting Supreme Court candidates to a public grilling that could invade...

Atwood uses robotic arm to remotely sign things

Sci-Fi Novelist Margaret Atwood has invented a machine that enables her to avoid book tours — she can stay at...

Jell-O shooter experiment

So the secret rule for Jello shooters is 4oz boiling water to 1 pack of Jello, and then 19oz of...

Kevin Trudeau Banned from Infomercials

Cool. Kevin Trudeau Banned from Infomercials A Federal Trade Commission settlement with Kevin Trudeau â.. a prolific marketer who has...

The Lego Suicides

heh … combining a morbid sense of humor and LEGOs… The Lego Suicides – a photoset on Flickr

Top 10 Sci-Fi Films That Never Actually Existed

Everyone remembers the exact moment when they realized that their Phanom Menace sandwich was filled with shit. For me, it...