Open source for governments

Looking back, the inflection point for global Linux adoption began in Europe about four years ago. In 2001, the German...

Cooking avec lava

Hawaii Hotels – Dolphin Bay Hotel, Hilo, Hawaii – Big Island Hotels Step 1: Preparation 1 Game Hen or Pork...

Ohio’s embarrassing state school board

The federal judge who overturned teaching “intelligent design” in public school biology classrooms in Dover, Pa., concluded that the local...

California School District Drops Creationism Course

Americans United for Separation of Church and State today announced that it has settled a lawsuit over a California school...

Wackiest Conspiracy Theories

But the Nazis *did* have a moon base!!! 2Spare – Top 10 Wackiest Conspiracy Theories The Nazis had a Moon...

Urban Legend: How to Detect a Two-Way Mirror

Actually true to some degree… I’ve done this myself. How to Detect a Two-Way Mirror – Netlore Archive When we...

2005 Game of the Year: City of Villains

They won Developer of the Year, so I am sure some saw this coming. City of Villains had the advantage...

Sony has no strategy for an online service – Ballmer

“Sony has no strategy for an online service,” according to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, who also says Microsoft is “going...

Police fight crime with games

Police in Edinburgh have found a new way of keeping naughty kids off the streets, out of trouble and in...

ACLU: Bush exceeded authority with wiretaps

The American Civil Liberties Union on Tuesday said it had filed suit against the National Security Agency, alleging that its...