Weekend? What weekend?
Spent the better part of my entire weekend at work. My company’s moved their entire operation to another location. It...
Spent the better part of my entire weekend at work. My company’s moved their entire operation to another location. It...
Got a server outage this morning, so I’ve been up since 5:30. There’s not much I can do remotely, so...
A federal judge is contemplating whether the mandatory teaching of “intelligent design” improperly promotes religion in schools, after the historic...
The men from the pages of a bad spy novel throw people they don’t like into secret prisons that officially...
Hey, the cat’s OK! Pretty routine surgery, or so they say. She came out of it a little groggy, but...
Originally uploaded by Zuckervati. I was up a little early this morning. Had to take China (the white cat who...
Halloween Costume 2005 Originally uploaded by Zuckervati. This was my Halloween costume this year at the corporate Halloween pot-luck. No...
Sitting at 1842 this morning, reading yesterday’s copy of The Record, the insipid Kitchener newspaper, and I find an article...
Eating dinner at the Tango Coffee Bistro in Stratford. I’m in town because of a long-delayed dentist appointment. He gave...
The highest court in the Methodist Church yesterday defrocked a lesbian minister in Philadelphia, and reinstated a Virginia pastor who...