I’d fire this lawyer
If this were my mouthpiece, I’d send him packing. Imagine — not putting the recipient’s name on an official request…...
If this were my mouthpiece, I’d send him packing. Imagine — not putting the recipient’s name on an official request…...
If a high-ranking LAPD official can be believed, perhaps the Scientology-affiliated The Way To Happiness should take a page from...
Interesting to see what StarWars Episode 3 looks like when translated into Chinese, and back into English.
Digital Rights Management may currently be the single most contentious issue amongst computer users and music and DVD buyers but...
Finally persuaded R to watch “Empire Strikes Back” tonight. She said she liked it, but fell short of calling it...
I was just reading this interesting link from a blog, commenting on how USA Today was putting in hyphens in...
While sleek crime-scene TV shows have turned students on to forensic science, an investigation of today’s high school laboratories shows...
Now this is alright. Got some Miles Davis/Thelonius Monk playing in the house, and I’m sitting on the back patio,...
This page lists films that use the word fuck more than 100 times. The first lists films ordered by total...
Found this little gem of a website while looking up a reference for an article on zombies in chemistry.org. Apparently...