Mmmmn, mini pizzas
Sitting at home, drinking a bottle of Red Cap Ale (one of the many redeeming aspects of Waterloo). I’m waiting...
Sitting at home, drinking a bottle of Red Cap Ale (one of the many redeeming aspects of Waterloo). I’m waiting...
Status: False. Despite its April 1 date, and its non-appearance on a real news site, a spoof article about an...
Status: False. The rather gruesome photograph displayed above has been circulating on the Internet (without explanation of its origins) since...
Canadians are suddenly fretting about the spectre of Quebec separatism, 10 years after Quebecers very nearly voted to split this...
The U.S. Trade Representative has issued its annual report on global intellectual property protection, known as the Special 301 Report....
work had this thing at Dooly’s for a couple of hours. A “release party” or something. We played a little...
A reddish speck photographed near a dim and distant star last year is indeed a planet, about five times the...
Photograph shows headstone marking the grave of lawyer Johnnie Cochran. Status: False. The image is, of course, a fake (Cochran...
The U.S. is not Argentina. Certainly not. Real wages in this country aren’t 20 percent lower than they were seven...
Images are purportedly photographs of a sandstorm in Al Asad, Iraq, taken on 26 April 2005. Status: True, apparently We...