Cold Tuesday Morning

It’s cold this morning. Sunny, but cold. I’m noticing it more because I didn’t put on a coat before leaving...

Urban Legend: Pravda got Checkov on Star Trek

The character of Ensign Chekov was added to the television series Star Trek because an editorial in the Communist newspaper...

Weirdest Recipe for a Cuba Libra

I asked the bartender at Abstract to make me a Cuba Libra, and she said “Sorry, but I don’t have...

So, I’m in the office, and …

Can’t find a single copy of Win98 French or any other language, save English. Don’t know what those QA guys...

Beautiful Sunday Noon

It’s a beautiful Sunday noon, and I’m sitting in the shade at 1842. I’m sharing the table with a grotesquely...

How to Blog Safely (About Work or Anything Else)

Blogs are like personal telephone calls crossed with newspapers. They’re the perfect tool for sharing your favorite chocolate mousse recipe...

Original axis of evil: Colonial empires

Iraq, Kashmir, Palestine, Northern Ireland: The root causes of the world’s hottest conflicts lie in the break-up of Europe’s colonial...

NDP to sink $1.8M in failing film studio

The NDP government is ponying up nearly $1.8 million to buy a Winnipeg sound stage that has been swimming in...

Not everyone was dead

HUZZAH! Apparently not all the goldfish are dead! I could have sworn I saw one moving the other night, but...

Second Life Teaches Life Lessons

As a massively multiplayer online game, many people think of Second Life as little more than a virtual playground. But...