Posts by D. H. McKee

Han Solo, P.I.

Tell me you wouldn’t watch this every week if it were a primetime TV drama. YouTube – Han Solo, P.I.

Wikipedia bans Church of Scientology

At least they’re not banning Cyantitians… According to The Register, Wikipedia has banned multiple IP addresses related to the Church...

New Pisco Bottles

New Pisco Bottles – Uploaded by Zuckervati. Traveling vicariously through others, I’ve received bottles of Peruvian and Chilean pisco. The...

Mai Tai One: Drink Seminar

This looks good enough to drink to. Join the Beachbum and 200 seminar attendees June 12th at the historic Mai-Kai...

Star Wars: The Old Republic

This is singularly more awesome than the entire Ep1-3 trilogy! Too bad it’s not actually a movie, and is a...

The Gentleman’s Guide to Being a Classy Drunk

Because, if you have to be a drunk, be a classy drunk. Intoxicatedly Charming, or a Wasted Bore? Your mouth...

Revising Movable Type 4’s QuickPost Bookmarklet

Good little tip from BrainLog In MT 4, the QuickPost bookmarklet pre-populates the entry’s title with the title of the...

Drink Scotch Like a Man

… or like a manly woman. If You Drink Scotch, Love Scotch “It’s the people that want to impress me...

The White Lioness

The White Lioness – Uploaded by Zuckervati. New Kurt Wallander mystery. He’s no Martin Beck, but it’s still good reading.

Cat in the Sink

Cat in the Sink – Uploaded by Zuckervati. I don’t know why I’m surprised to see the cat drinking water...