Posts by D. H. McKee

Spotting Fake Boobs

From COED Magazine. I can usually tell. I have what you call boobdar. But there are some good pointers in...

And now for something completely creepy

There was an interesting piece on InventorSpot today: a website from Japan that allows you to pose with a virtual...

World’s Best Derriere

No argument from me on this one, though I wouldn’t mind seeing the other entries. Yes, there’s a video too....

Gilligan’s Island pilot, parts 1-3

Wow, it’s like seeing the origin story of Batman, or seeing the first episode of Star Wars. No, better than...

Hawking coming to Perimeter Institute

Hah. Totally called this one. Hawking’s coming to Waterloo. Stephen Hawking coming to Waterloo, Ont.â..s Perimeter Institute Professor Stephen Hawking...

A thousand grills

Well, there’s a top 10 list in there, but it just keeps going afterward. Big grills, small grills, grills that...

100 quotes, 100 numbers, 100 movies

Just watch. I couldn’t get beyond 64, but it’s amazing someone took the time.

How to get laid in WOW

So, dudes are chicks, and broadsword = Ferrari = penis extension. OK, got it. Felicia Day Explains How to Meet...

Big collection of recut film trailers

Some very good ones in this collection. Here’s two of my favourites: Recut Movie Trailers: A Collection [VIDEO]

US officials flunk test of American civics, history

I scored a modest 81% on this quiz, and I’m not even American. Take it here. US officials flunk test...