Posts by D. H. McKee

A chiropractor?

Good god, Harper’s gone and appointed a chiropractor (Cambridge MP Gary Goodyear) as the new Minister of Science and Technology....

Women with Guns

Nothing sexier, iffin you ask me. A megalink of pictures for the female/firearm fetishist. COED MagazineHeat-Packinâ.. Honeys

100 Drinks to Drink

There’s an interesting meme from, in which bloggers (drinking bloggers) reprint a list of 100 different concoctions, showing in...

Don Cheadle Planned Darfur Genocide

You know, Hitler … Stalin … Don Cheadle. International Scandal: Don Cheadle Planned Darfur Genocide To Create Film Role International...

Kitty likes it rough

Nothing like a little spanking to get one riled up. YouTube – spanking the cat 2

Kabuki buki buki

Staying at my favourite hotel in San Francisco — the Hotel Kabuki. Tonight, I’m on the club floor, which requires...

First extra-solar planet discovered

Hubble Snaps First Photo Of Planet Circling A Star — InformationWeek It took about seven years, but NASA has finally...

Great Googleplex

A friend of mine got a job at Google in Waterloo, and some time this year, got a transfer to...

Bush officially most unpopular president

Well, at least he finally accomplished something… go big or go home, eh G. W.? Belief that country heading in...

Winchester House

So, I’ve always been fascinated by the Winchester House — that house that the Winchester widow kept building for 83...