Posts by D. H. McKee

10 Expensive Hotels

Need a place to stay for the night? Got an obscene amount of cash burning a hole in your pocket?...

What If Your Wife Were A Porn Star?

You know when you work in a coffee shop, and by the end of the day you think you’ll scream...

Julia Child was a WWII spy

This is about as cool as when we found out Dr. Ruth was an Israeli sniper. The Associated Press: Documents:...

Georgia is pwnd

… as in pawned. They essentially caved to peer pressure and thumbed their nose at the bully. This Globe and...

Fallout 3 E3 2008 Trailer

Oh my god, why wasn’t I notified about this? It looks excellent! Fallout 3 E3 2008 Trailer As a bonus...

Get some extra legs

I’d like to think it’s a big gag, but it seems to be coming from, so maybe it’s just...

You look like a cheater

Or do you? A recent study suggests you can’t hide your sexual intentions. Sexual Intentions May Be In The Face...

Better than a kick in the gut

… but not much. I’ve been sprucing up the old mortal coil by going to a boxing training class for...

New Type of Synesthesia Discovered

Pretty interesting stuff. If you don’t know, Synesthesia is a mixing of the senses. People with Synesthesia can perceive words...

How to open a Swiss bank account

Apparently, it’s pretty easy to do, and doesn’t require a million dollars. The basic Swiss account can be obtained through...