Posts by D. H. McKee

The Next 25 Years of Video Games

A look at the technology of the future, as it pertains to gaming … and the eventual enslavement of the...

Shock bracelets for airline passengers

Hey, this is a grand idea. Let’s force everyone on a plane to wear shock bracelets. A senior government official...

John Stossel is no hero

But the other guy totally is. YouTube – Stossel and Oil Heroes

Guide to Cold Reading

Excellent set of instructions to get you started on your new charlatan career track. Guide to “Cold Reading” 4. Gain...

WALL-E, copyright criminal

At least according to bill C-61. Yes, he’s adorable, but that won’t get him anywhere with the Canadian government. SFFaudio...

Photos Meet Fantasy

Very cool art by Dmitry Maksimov. Combining photography with crazy Miyazaki-esque creatures. Where Photography Meets Illustration | Design You Trustâ.¢....

We’re here. Get used to it.

You’ve got to hand it to Canada’s military. Not only were they marching in the Gay Pride parade … they...

Fox News distorts photos of New York Times reporters

These guys are such assholes. Think Progress – Fox News distorts photos of New York Times reporters. This morning on...

Chris Hitchens on Waterboarding

Short version: He lasted about 15 seconds; Yes, it’s most definitely torture; No it’s not very effective at getting useful...

Urban legend: Canadian flag symbolized 10 provinces

False…. Good article on the history of the Canadian flag. Canada’s Maple Leaf Flag Many of these flags...