Posts by D. H. McKee

Oscar Peterson subjected to racism at home

Unless the idiots were insulting his piano skills, or his jazz music, it’s probably safe to assume they were racist...

The Mysterious Toynbee Tiles

In 1992, a chap in Philadelphia by the name of Bill O’Neill starting noticing strange tiles randomly embedded in local...

New cups and buttery fiction.

Was drinking espresso at 1842 this morning. They’ve got some new cups to replace all the chipped, cracked ones they...

Female impersonation tarts up online games

When men appear as buxom, scantily clad females in video games like “World of Warcraft,” it is more about winning...

The Battle for Sleeman Breweries

Four brewers are expected to belly up to the bar today and pitch offers for Sleeman Breweries Ltd. as the...

‘Alcoholic’ Mel apologises for Jewish insults

Mel Gibson’s Hollywood career is hanging in the balance after the star allegedly screamed anti-semitic abuse at a police officer...

Cuisine of Canada

Canadian cuisine varies widely from region to region. Generally, the traditional cuisine of English Canada is closely related to British...

American Bar Association Criticizes Bush

An American Bar Association report released on Monday has strongly criticized President Bush’s “signing statements” that assert his right to...


I hate all this coffee lingo. All this doppio, no-fat, decaf, long pull, half foam, skim milk shit. Usually I’ll...

Hangover Cure: Pepto-Bismol ice cream

Strange, it’s not working for me — in fact, it’s making me sicker. blogjam – Blog Archive – pepto-bismol ice...