Posts by D. H. McKee

Save the Tree Octopus

The Pacific Northwest tree octopus (Octopus paxarbolis) can be found in the temperate rainforests of the Olympic Peninsula on the west coast of North America. Their habitat lies on the Eastern side of the Olympic mountain range, adjacent to Hood Canal. These solitary cephalopods reach an average size (measured from arm-tip to mantle-tip,) of 30-33 cm. Unlike most other cephalopods, tree octopi are amphibious, spending only their early life and the period of their mating season in their ancestrial [sic] aquatic environment. Because of the moistness of the rainforests and specialized skin adaptations, they are able to keep from becoming desiccated for prolonged periods of time, but given the chance they would prefer resting in pooled water.
[Tree Octopus]

Get Packin’

Picked up my itinerary from email today. Wondered what do about packing for about a minute, then realized the TV...

London with the Leader

Had to visit London, to check up on my parents’ place. It’s been a couple of weeks, and the fish...

Party Hardy with the LCBO

Pretty schway party last night – managed to cram over 15 people into my TV room (the room where if...

Tickets Away

It’s official – I’m going to San Francisco to visit my brother. Picked up the tickets on — it...

New ‘Brain Fingerprinting’ Could Help Solve Crimes

A technique called "brain fingerprinting," which seeks to probe whether a suspect has specific knowledge of a crime, could become a powerful weapon in national security, its inventor believes.

Eat This, Kellog

Best known today for his inadvertent invention of corn flakes cereal--occurring when a pan of baking grain was left unattended during a medical emergency--Dr. John Harvey Kellogg was 43 years old when he wrote the above lines. He had never partaken of the connubial pleasures of his wife's bed, believed masturbation to be a sin best cured through copious enema treatments, and sought to cure his patient's ills through daily applications of yogurt--introduced at the body's two ends--aided by colon-wracking machines that could ably pump 15 gallons of water into a hapless behind in just a few seconds.

Saddam Enrages Bush With Full Compliance

From The Onion (
WASHINGTON, DC.President Bush expressed frustration and anger Monday over a U.N. report stating that Iraqi president Saddam Hussein is now fully complying with weapons inspections. "Enough is enough," a determined Bush told reporters. "We are not fooled by Saddam's devious attempts to sway world opinion by doing everything the U.N. asked him to do. We will not be intimidated into backing down and, if we have any say in the matter, neither will Saddam." Bush added that any further Iraqi attempt to meet the demands of the U.N. or U.S. will be regarded as "an act of war."

The Sorcerer of Sony

The hottest properties in cyberspace are virtual worlds. Meet the man who's making magic -- and millions of dollars each month -- by developing the Net's newest boomtowns.

Metropolis (1927) Restored Edition

This fantastic film by Fritz Lang has been restored to a reasonable facsimile of the original version. Not a bad job, considering a good chunk of the film was destroyed or lost after being drastically cut three weeks after its 1927 German release. In this release, lost scenes are replaced with a description of what would have been there, with the underlying music continuing through the missing sections. The original 1927 orchestral score is also present, and effectively punctuates the dramatic scenes (and unfortunately, may lull you to sleep in the quieter scenes).