How to get laid in WOW
So, dudes are chicks, and broadsword = Ferrari = penis extension. OK, got it. Felicia Day Explains How to Meet...
So, dudes are chicks, and broadsword = Ferrari = penis extension. OK, got it. Felicia Day Explains How to Meet...
Some very good ones in this collection. Here’s two of my favourites: Recut Movie Trailers: A Collection [VIDEO]
I scored a modest 81% on this quiz, and I’m not even American. Take it here. US officials flunk test...
Good god, Harper’s gone and appointed a chiropractor (Cambridge MP Gary Goodyear) as the new Minister of Science and Technology....
Nothing sexier, iffin you ask me. A megalink of pictures for the female/firearm fetishist. COED MagazineHeat-Packinâ.. Honeys
There’s an interesting meme from, in which bloggers (drinking bloggers) reprint a list of 100 different concoctions, showing in...
You know, Hitler … Stalin … Don Cheadle. International Scandal: Don Cheadle Planned Darfur Genocide To Create Film Role International...
Nothing like a little spanking to get one riled up. YouTube – spanking the cat 2
Staying at my favourite hotel in San Francisco — the Hotel Kabuki. Tonight, I’m on the club floor, which requires...
Hubble Snaps First Photo Of Planet Circling A Star — InformationWeek It took about seven years, but NASA has finally...