PlayStation 3 Rumored To Cost $399

Sony has been silent as far as the price of its future console is concerned, thus encouraging the spreading of...

A new voice for Canadian music artists

Canadian Music Creators Coalition We are a growing coalition of Canadian music creators who share the common goal of having...

Canadian Music Creators Coalition

Woohoo! Go Canada. Canadian Music Creators Coalition: A New Voice We are a growing coalition of Canadian music creators who...

William Burroughs Book Covers

Neat! A selection of front covers of books by William S. Burroughs Burroughs Book Covers

Rape accused ‘had sex with wrong woman’

Wrong, indeed … Yikes! Rape accused ‘had sex with wrong woman’ – Top stories – Breaking News 24/7 –

Long-shot dating made doable

Oh, so I should dress well? Huh… who knew? MSN Dating & Personals – Long-shot dating made doable Look good,...

Response to Leishman by Merle Hertzler

I read Rory Leishmanâ..s editorial, â..Christianity melds reason with faithâ. with great interest. Leishman quotes from my website ( and...

Leishman gets it wrong

So, Deuteronomy 22:11 is “obsolete”, huh? What other rules are obsolete, and how is Rory Leishman the definitive source on...

natto is an acquired taste

natto is made from fermented soybeans. it is a japanese food that is traditionally eaten for breakfast. historically, steamed soybeans...

Judge Blocks Law to Report Sex Under 16

A federal judge ruled yesterday that Kansas law did not require health care workers to report to the authorities sexual...