Addictive Falling Sand Game

I hate this game. It’s keeping me from doing work. Falling Sand Game – hosted by Chirag Mehta @

How to order wine without looking like an asshole

Some good sound advice from an uppity waiter: DO NOT SMELL THE CORK! – When I see someone do this...

Canadian court allows clubs for group sex

Group sex among consenting adults is neither prostitution nor a threat to society, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled on...

‘Leap second’ subject of long debate

Time marches on, but Earth is falling behind. The solution again this year is to add a “leap second” as...

Rich, Colombian vacation

Spent the last week in San Andres, which is apparently part of Colombia. Had a most excellent non-X-mas there, drinking...

Bush contradicts himself about wiretaps

In 2004, Bush said the following (gathered from the White House website): “Now, by the way, any time you hear...

Physics: Easy to Hard

At the bottom of this page is a link to harder material. This is a pretty cool way to learn...

Intelligent Design is officially neither

As you may have just found out, Intelligent Design got its block knocked off in Dover court today. It’s officially...

Intelligent Design Loses in Dover Case!

“Intelligent design” cannot be mentioned in biology classes in a Pennsylvania public school district, a federal judge said Tuesday, ruling...

Vegans are terrorists, apparently.

â..The FBI should use its resources to investigate credible threats to national security instead of spending time tracking Americans who...