DRACS are the New Humanists

Waiting for a DRAC on a Chinese server to refresh itself so I can get at the hard drive configuration...

Evolution is a Fact and a Theory

Well evolution is a theory. It is also a fact. And facts and theories are different things, not rungs in...

Ahm Nae Cheap

R and I were buying booze for a friend’s birthday over the weekend, and we came up with a bit...

Writing about thinking about writing

Thinking of doing some more serious writing again; this happens once or twice a year, and normally I do nothing...

Site offline for a day

But strangely, it wasn’t due to my DSL connection. My OpenBSD server’s network interface became foobarred, and I ended up...

Insulation just about finished

Spent the day mucking around on insulating the overhead door (I’m trying not to use the word “garage” in reference...

Phony Theory, False Conflict

Let’s be clear. Intelligent design may be interesting as theology, but as science it is a fraud. It is a...

A cool new transport

OK, so this may not solve the problem with carbon monoxide emissions, and while it may not solve the world’s...

New MissingLinks page layout

Figured I’d follow the trend in making the site a little more grown up (this despite having a blog with...

Blog Software Smackdown: The Big 3 Reviewed

I’m not sure how up to date this article is, since they say the current version of Movable Type is...