Company X-mas party

It’s been a really non-descript week. At least tonight was something of a change. Not a very fun change, but...

Clubbing with Jane Goodall

Last night was my first time in a night club in a couple of years. What a weird scene… I...

My chair. My rules.

This is the first time I’ve not been able to read Kerouac in one sitting. And it’s mostly because of...

Bunker: Day 12

Day 12. I was planning on leaving the bunker to tough it out in the woods for a couple of...

Bunker: Day 4

Day four. Just so we don’t think I’m overstating the problem, let’s talk about some current events up here in...

Bunker: Day 3

Day three. I’ve found it difficult to get around without thinking or inadvertently referring to the Trade Center disaster. Everyone...


What a day. Where to start? First my car almost breaks down in a Tim Horton’s drive-thru lineup during morning...

Fundamentalist Survey

I was checking out some of my old sites (some might call them ghost sites), and I came across this...

3ppm of Garlic

Had a disastrous trip to visit my parents today. For some reason I mixed-up the dates for this family reunion...

Stupid Hypothetical Scenario #1

What do you do in this situation: There’s someone you hate, and you cannot explain why. All evidence as well...