Posts by D. H. McKee

Info on Saddamâ..s Execution

Interesting page with links about the execution of Saddam. Cynical-C Blog – Saddamâ..s Execution “Rather than an orderly execution, done...

Google Maps on Cuba

Was poking around on Google Maps, and stole a couple of images to help illustrate where we travelled this time....

Cuba 2006

Just got back from spending a week in Cuba. A bunch of us went down over X-mas and stayed at...

Saddam Hussein Executed in Baghdad

Holding the Muslim holy book, the Koran, and refusing a black hood, Saddam Hussein faced the same fate many common...

Guy spends $30 on food for the month

… and blogs about it. Hungry For a Month So Hereâ..s The Dealâ.¦ For the month of November, Iâ..m only...

Oooh, he good card read.

I’ve been reviewing resumes (or résumés, if you insist) over the past couple of weeks. I just finished reading one,...

Fallout and the Cost of a Modern MMORPG

Back in the day, I played a little PC RPG called Fallout. It was a game I thoroughly enjoyed, and...

Oliver Stone Gets Fined for Cuba Visit

Busted! The U.S. Government has fined director Oliver Stone for illegally traveling to Cuba. According to a tersely-worded Department of...

Awesome X-mas present

The new Swiss Army knife contains 85 devices, weighs 2lb and costs nearly £500. But can you actually use it...

Recreating â..A Christmas Storyâ..

If Denny Renz were a boy again, he said, he would love nothing more than to re-enact Ralphie Parkerâ..s childhood....