Posts by D. H. McKee

Pandora Blames CRIA, CRIA blames Canadians

Nice try jerks. Pandora drops the blame on the fees being demanded by record labels and rights societies (like the...

Quack Miranda Warning

It’s a good idea to seriously reconsider taking any supplement or following any regimen that has these words on it:...

Eurotrash Party


His and Hers Spirits

A nice birthday present from Switzerland: an Eau de Vie for him and a pear liqueur for her. Also a...

Nice Night for a Ride

Took the bike out last night. Great weather.

Final Dessert from Alinea

In August, we experienced the magic that is Alinea in Chicago. Thanks to someone on YouTube, you can see what...

BioShock Infinite looks good

And by good, I mean fucking awesome! Holy crap! Murder by crows…. YouTube – BioShock Infinite: Gameplay trailer

If Superheroes Were Hipsters

If I had superpowers, I’d totally be on this list somewhere. “If Superheroes Were Hipsters” by Caldwell Tanner on CollegeHumor

New Sushi Restaurant

Looks promising. Northfield Dr. where the David’s Gourmet used to be.

Comparing Impossible Project’s Polaroid Film

I recently received a couple of boxes of PX 70 Color Shade from The Impossible Project‘s online store. They’ve recently...