Atheist sues Army

Oh sure, the Army’s official stance is that “proselytizing or advancing a religious conviction is not what the nation would...

Good-looking bad-sounding speakers

I can’t backup the “bad-sounding” part, but with speakers that look this good, they have to sound terrible. 17 Cool...

Hellboy II Interview

From Ron Perlman, Selma Blair, and Guillermo del Toro talk about Hellboy II. Shock Video: Exclusive Hellboy II Interviews...

The Next 25 Years of Video Games

A look at the technology of the future, as it pertains to gaming … and the eventual enslavement of the...

Shock bracelets for airline passengers

Hey, this is a grand idea. Let’s force everyone on a plane to wear shock bracelets. A senior government official...

John Stossel is no hero

But the other guy totally is. YouTube – Stossel and Oil Heroes

Guide to Cold Reading

Excellent set of instructions to get you started on your new charlatan career track. Guide to “Cold Reading” 4. Gain...

WALL-E, copyright criminal

At least according to bill C-61. Yes, he’s adorable, but that won’t get him anywhere with the Canadian government. SFFaudio...

Photos Meet Fantasy

Very cool art by Dmitry Maksimov. Combining photography with crazy Miyazaki-esque creatures. Where Photography Meets Illustration | Design You Trustâ.¢....

We’re here. Get used to it.

You’ve got to hand it to Canada’s military. Not only were they marching in the Gay Pride parade … they...