An anus made of chocolate
Yup, all they need is a special goatse limited edition chocolate. I can’t tell if this is real or a...
Yup, all they need is a special goatse limited edition chocolate. I can’t tell if this is real or a...
Great. One more Canadian kook with a crystal skull, riding on the media bandwagon of the new (and boring) Indiana...
Poking fun at the raid in Texas on the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Seven Reasons...
Uh-oh. Time to change my passwords. Guess I better stop using “password1”. Secure Passwords Keep You Safer According to Eric...
I hate these guys. I once had someone make vaguely threatening remarks to me because I refused to donate to...
Still time to get the one-day passes. It’s happening July 18-20 at Chicago’s Union Park. Dinosaur Jr. and Caribou will...
Welcome to the 21st century… california gay marriage – Los Angeles Times The California Supreme Court struck down the state’s...
If that wasn’t cool enough, you can get an R2-D2 ice bucket as well. The Green Head – Han Solo...
Look on the bright side — the Wii is only a gateway console, so the other sales are bound to...
I’m currently waiting for a plane in Detroit airport. I was supposed to be home yesterday, but a 5 minute...